
Materials and texts for Ohio State's Introduction to Theatre for Honors students, which uses manuscripts and primary sources to explore how the art of theatre is created.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Theatre Companies established

Students have organized themselves into the following companies, and created brochures -- and is almost always the case, the brochures are so convincing that some the of playwrights think actual productions are involved, even though the fact that it's all an exercise is always made clear at the start!

Catamaran Theatre

Jonathan Bosold: Dori Appel: Hat Tricks
Jennifer Miles: Carolyn Gage: The Goddess Tour
Billy Gardner: Faye Sholitan: The Good Times
Dexter Wilde: Rich Orloff: Advanced Chemistry

The Ohio State Theatre Company

Nicole Betz: Owa: Sexual Intercourse in Zero Gravity
Brooke Chavdar: Shirley Barrie: The Pear is Ripe
Tom Fagan: Shirley King: Victory/Major Issues/It’s Only Life/Brokendown Car
Tom Mikes: George O. Brome: Beyond Closed Doors

LACHÉ Community Theatre

Abbey Wise: Sarah Bewley: Heaving Bosoms, Hairy Chests
Hannah Matteson: Ludmilla Bollow: Choke Cherry Corner –Tavern and Dance Hall
Lauren Patterson: Evan Guilford-Blake: Eighty-Two
Emily Homerosky: Katherine Dubois: Mother’s Cruise
Carissa Norquest: Sean O’Leary: Valu-Mart

Broadway or Bust Theatre

Josh Lohrbach: Sandra Dempsey: Flying to Glory
Niko Eren: G.L. Horton: Boston’s Brothers in Liberty
Kelsey Wales: Mary Steelsmith: Isaac, I Am

Actor’s Playhouse: Love or Loss Season

Max Gardner: Catherine Filloux: Eyes of the Heart
Marta Strembitsky: Larry Loebell: La Tempestad
Dana Wagner: Jamie Pachino: Waving Goodbye
Andy Yankulov: Caridad Svich: Twelve Ophelias